Νέα Γεωργία Νέα Γενιά

Experimental Farm

The training programme is designed and implemented by the Agricultural University of Athens, under the scientific supervision of a number of experienced University professors headed by Dr. E. Paplomatas, with a long-standing experience of teaching and research in Phytopathology (Plant Deceases).

The training programme titled “Experimental Farm”, offers training  to groups of 25 people in the thematic areas of

1. Plant protection of industrial crops and cereals (2 groups will be trained. First group will be trained on 27-28-29 January 2020, second group will be trained 17-18-19 February 2020).

2. Applications of Smart Precision farming systems and technologies (1 group will be trained on 8-9-10 February 2020).

3. Livestock Farming and Dairy Technology (1 group will be trained on 17-18-19 February 2020).

4. Production techniques of vegetables  (1 group will be trained on 29-30-31 January 2020).

5. Viticulture ( 1 group will be trained on 5-6-7 February 2020)

A Certificate of Attendance is provided at the end of the programme


Objective of the Program

The objective of the programme is to give young farmers coming from rural, suburban and urban environments the opportunityto get engaged in the thematic areas included in the training program of Experimental Farm, by training them on 5 keydisciplines with a view to contribute to the recovery of Greek economy and achieve the remobilization of these people, thus contributing to the rural development.

The aim is also to give young farmers the opportunity to be active in the field of Plant protection of industrial plants and cereals, the use of new technologies in agriculture (of smart precision farming systems), in Viticulture, in Livestock – Dairy Production and Vegetable Production Techniques.

At the same time, the program aims to strengthen the presence of Greek production both in the domestic and international markets.

Who it is for

  • Unemployed young individuals without experience in the management of Plant protection of industrial plants and cereals, the use of new technologies in agriculture (of smart precision farming systems), in Viticulture, in Livestock – Dairy and Vegetable Production Techniques, who have graduated from high school or hold a higher-education degree.
  • Young farmers who own agricultural land and suitable machinery in order to apply farming practices.
  • Young farmers who need professional and specialized training.
  • Experienced farmers who need advisory support for new cultivation and management practices who, within a broader framework of guidance, will be able to explore issues ranging from sowing to harvesting and management

The curriculum for the training of Plant protection of industrial plants and cereals entails (indicatively):

  • Cotton diseases (diagnosis / prevention / control)
  • Cereal diseases (diagnosis / prevention / control)
  • Insects Damage (diagnosis / prevention / control)
  • Weeds (diagnosis / prevention / management)

The curriculum for the training of Applications of Smart Precision farming systems and technologies entails (indicatively):

Smart Farming

  • Technologies for the detection of machinery position and applications
  • Technologies for variable rate crop production practices
  • Decision support systems in agriculture

Controlled environment agriculture

  • Environmental control of agricultural buildings
  • Greenhouse equipment

Automation and control systems

  • Estimation of crops demands based on measurements from precision farming sensor
  • Estimation of basic environmental parameters in greenhouses

The curriculum for the training of Viticulture entails (indicatively):

  • Selection of winter pruning – Influence of winter pruning on the quality and quantity of grapes – Improvement of the quality characteristics of the grapes
  • Selection and methodology of training and trellies systems – Improvement of the quality characteristics of grapes by selection of training and trellies systems
  • Grafting – Cuttings
  • Vineyard management and the effect of green pruning on the quality and quantity of grapevines – Effect on grape ripening and improvement of their quality characteristics
  • Fertilization and irrigation of vine – Methodology and application of vine fertilization and irrigation – Impact of fertilization and irrigation on the quality and quantity of vine products
  • Effect of climate change on viticulture – Impact on vine physiology, grape ripening and quality of grape products – Adaptation of viticulture

The curriculum for the training of Livestock Farming and Dairy Technology contains indicatively:


  • Introduction to productive systems (intensive, extensive) – Advantages and disadvantages
  • Critical elements in the management of breeding and milk production.
  • Welfare – Quality of products (milk, meat)


  • Feed for sheep and goats and their characteristics
  • Economic evaluation of feed
  • Feeding of sheep and goats
  • Calculating Productive Costs and Financial Results Using PC – Interactive Examples
  • Preparation and testing of a sheep and goat feeding and calculating the cost of a computer-based feeding – Interactive examples

The curriculum for the training of Production techniques of vegetables contains indicatively:


  • Greenhouse tomato crop production techniques
  • Crop production techniques for cucurbitaceae
  • Crop production techniques for leafy vegetables
  • Crop production techniques for hydroponics crop


  • Control and management of greenhouses
  • Systems and equipment of hydroponics systems
  • Vegetables grafting
  • Estimation of nutrient solution for hydroponic crops
  • Ventilation, cooling and heating of greenhouses

Depending on the case, preparation of business plans and consulting according to product or service that is to be produced/provided by special scientists

Area of activation of the 2019-20 training round

Location Experimental Farm Kopaida, Voiotia (near Aliartos).

Duration of action

Classes are held for 3 days per course
Attendance is mandatory.

For further info

Artemis Rigou
Project Management Office (PMO) of New Farming for the New Generation
Agricultural University of Athens, 75, Iera Odos Street, Athens, 11855, tel.: 210-5294963, 210-5294964



Number of beneficiaries
21 – 31 October 2020
6-7-8 November 2020
October - November 2020
Applications up to
22 October 2020