The educational program was designed and implemented with the scientific guidance of professors from the Agricultural University of Athens, the action’s co-ordinator Professor G. Economou, with extensive experience in the field of MAPs and at the implementation of training programs for newcomers and professional farmers in the field of MAPs.
The MAPs training program provides theoretical and practical training on the production, processing and marketing of these plant species to create employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for young people in the MAPs field.
The duration is 108 hours, of which 54 hours of theory and 54 hours of practical training in MAPs crops, propagating plants (certified nursery gardens) and processing products.
At the end of the program a follow-up certificate is issued.
Purpose of the Programme
The aim of the program is to give young farmers an opportunity to become active in the field of medicinal and aromatic plants, thus contributing to the sustainability of the countryside and establishing a network for the promotion and marketing of local natural MAPs species through participatory business plans. At the same time, it aims to support the reinforcement of the presence of Greek MAPs not only in the domestic but also in the international market. The program was piloted in Thessaly in the previous trainining cycle. The next six months the program will be expanded to Crete in where the same circle of seminars will be held at the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICH) on the production, processing and marketing of specific endangered MAPs species because of their uncontrolled harvest.
Who it is for
• Unemployed young people with no experience in the field of medicinal and aromatic plants with a secondary education diploma or a tertiary degree (agronomists, engineers, chemists, pharmacists, economists).
• Young farmers with agricultural land and equipment suitable for farming practices.
• Underemployed young people in family businesses in the medicinal and aromatic plants sector.
• Young farmers active in small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of medicinal and aromatic plants and wish to develop agrotourism services and products.
The curriculum includes the following topics (indicatively):
• Plant propagation
• Plant transplantanting and plant establishment
• Weed, irrigation and fertilizer management systems
• Digital Farming Practices
• Harvest and dryness.
• Essential oils extraction.
• Products standardization and marketing issues
• Where appropriate, drafting business plans & consulting depending on the product or service to be produced by specialist scientists.
Areas of activation of the 2019-20 training round
A new training course will start in Chania Crete (Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania – MAICH) for 15 young people who wish to be involved in the field of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.
Specifically, in the frame of the New Agriculture for A New Generation Program, the following semester will host a circle of seminars in the field of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants on the production, processing and marketing of specific MAPs species to 15 young people who want to deal with this industry.
Crete, due to its long tradition in the use of these plants and its unique biodiversity, is an ideal opportunity to apply innovations throughout the production and marketing chain of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. The Agricultural University of Athens and the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania under the coordinationof the New Agriculture for A New Generation Program will provide high quality education with the participation of specialized scientists, researchers and entrepreneurs from other Universities, Institutes and Industries.
Duration of the seminar
Up to 6 months training on local Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.
Presence is mandatory.
Courses are held 3 or 4 days each month (approximately).
For further info
Artemis Rigou
Project Management Office (PMO) of New Farming for the New Generation
Agricultural University of Athens, 75, Iera Odos Street, Athens, 11855, tel.: 210-5294963, 210-5294964