Νέα Γεωργία Νέα Γενιά

Open Olive Cultivation Academy: New Initiative to Support Olive Cultivation in Northern Kynouria

The organization New Agriculture New Generation announces the launch of the “Open Olive Cultivation Academy.” This new educational initiative is designed in collaboration with the Municipality of Northern Kynouria and the Chamber of Arcadia, aiming to support and develop the primary sector of the region. It is implemented by the New Agriculture New Generation organization through the founding donation of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF).

Olive oil production in Northern Kynouria is one of the most significant agricultural activities, with production exceeding 3,000 tons annually. Despite this success, Greece has one of the lowest percentages of trained farmers in the European Union, making the improvement of knowledge transfer systems imperative.

Program Objective: The “Open Olive Cultivation Academy” aims to strengthen the olive cultivation sector in the Municipality of Northern Kynouria through knowledge transfer. Comprehensive and intensive training seminars will provide participants with basic knowledge and practical skills in all phases of olive cultivation, production, and marketing.

The seminars will cover the following modules:

  • Preparation and installation of an olive grove
  • Olive tree physiology
  • Cultivation practices
  • Plant protection & climate change
  • Quality
  • Processing and marketing

The seminar instructors will include expert scientists from the New Agriculture New Generation organization, external collaborators, market executives, academics, and university professors.

Target Audience: The initiative is addressed to olive growers in the Municipality of Northern Kynouria, whether they are full-time or part-time farmers. Additionally, professionals from the entire olive oil value chain, such as olive mill owners, processors, and traders, can participate.

Priority will be given to young professional producers under the age of 45, followed by other professional producers of any age, based on the evaluation of the applications.

Action Area: Municipality of Northern Kynouria.

Action Duration: The initiative will start on June 28 and will be completed in early October, with a total duration of 52 training hours covering six (6) two-day sessions.


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