The training program is designed and implemented by the Agricultural University of Athens, under the scientific guidance of a host of experienced university professors headed by Mr. Goras, with many years of extensive experience in beekeeping education.
The training program titled “Apiculture”, offers training in two categories of trainees. One is for basic beekeeping education in Halkida (20 trainees) and the other is for advanced courses in the towns of Trikala and Larisa (40 trainees in total).
The training program has a duration of 100 hours, of which 60 hours are allocated to theory and 40 hours are allocated to practical training on beehives for the basic group, while 45 hours are allocated to theory and 55 hours are allocated to practical training on beehives for the advanced group.
A Certificate of Attendance is provided at the end of the program.
Objective of the Programme
The objective of the program is to serve as a good starting point for young beekeepers (basic group).
At the same time, it aims to strengthen the already beekeepers, providing them with knowledge and skills, which are essential for the professional approach.
Who it is for
- Basic group: participants must me with none or small experience in beekeeping and must not be allergic to beestings. They must be willing to participate in the training program. Unemployed, farmers, low educated and local people will be preferred.
- Advanced groups: participants must have significant beekeeping experience and already possess some bee colonies. Beneficiaries of previous years of the program, unemployed, farmers, low educated and local people will be preferred.
The curriculum includes the following topics (indicatively):
Basic group
- Familiarity with the bees
- Beehive inspection
- Bee biology
- Beekeeping equipment
- Transports of beehives
- Operations during the year
- Brood diseases
- Adult honeybees’ diseases
- Pests
- Bee products
Advanced group
- Operations during the year – special cases
- Brood diseases
- Adult honeybees’ diseases
- Pests
- Annual plan for controlling varroosis and Nosemosis
- Bee products
- Organic beekeeping
- Queen rearing
- Production of royal jelly
Depending on the case, preparation of business plans and consulting according to product or service that is to be produced/provided by special scientists
Areas of activation of the 2019-20 training round
Halkida: Basic group
Larisa: Advanced group
Trikala: Advanced group
Duration of action
16 days per group. Classes will be held from December to June. During the winter months (December, January, February) will emphasize mainly in theoretical courses, while in the remaining months (March, April, May and June) practical courses will be held in the apiary.
Attendance is mandatory.
Useful information
Information will be provided on the exact dates and places of the trainings.The training will be provided with educational materials and textbooks.
For further info
Artemis Rigou
Project Management Office (PMO) of New Farming for the New Generation
Agricultural University of Athens, 75, Iera Odos Street, Athens, 11855, tel.: 210-5294963, 210-5294964