Νέα Γεωργία Νέα Γενιά

Sustainable production of legumes

The training programme is designed and implemented by the Agricultural University of Athens, under the scientific guidance of a host of experienced university professors headed by Ms Papastylianou, with many years of extensive experience in training professional farmers. The training programme titled “Sustainable production of legumes”, offers training in the production, processing and marketing of these plant species to 40 young farmers every year.

The training programme has a duration of 100 hours, of which 50 hours are allocated to theory and 50 hours are allocated to practical training in the field.

A Certificate of Attendance is provided at the end of the programme.

Objective of the Programme

The objective of the programme is to give young farmers the opportunity to do business in the area of sustainable production of legumes, thus contributing to the sustainability of the countryside. At the same time it aims to strengthen the presence of Greek legumes both in the domestic and international markets.

Who it is for

  • Young farmers, unemployed and underemployed in the sector, with little or no experience in the production of legumes, who wish to gain practical and theoretical knowledge in order to specialize in this particular type of farming.
  • Young farmers who need professional and specialised training.
  • Experienced farmers who need consulting as regards new production practices and who, with some general guidance, will be able to explore various issues extending from sowing to harvesting.


The curriculum includes the following topics (indicatively):

  • Transplanting and plant propagation
  • Organic farming
  • Harvesting
  • Topics in marketing, certification and financing tools

Areas of activation of the 2018-19 training round


Duration of action

5 months
Attendance is mandatory.
Classes are held for 2 or 3 days every 10-day period (approximately).

For further info

Dimitra Xenaki
Artemis Rigou
Project Management Office (PMO) of New Farming for the New Generation
Agricultural University of Athens, 75, Iera Odos Street, Athens, 11855, tel.: 210-5294963, 210-5294964

Number of beneficiaries
40 /year
100 hours
Applications up to