Νέα Γεωργία Νέα Γενιά

Livestock Farming and Dairy Technology

The training program is designed and implemented by the Agricultural University of Athens, under the scientific guidance of a host of experienced university professors headed by Assistant Professor G. Papadomichelakis, with many years of extensive experience in training professional livestock farmers.

The training program titled “Livestock Farming & Dairy Technology”, offers training in herd management, feeding, milk production and processing, as well as in financial and legislative issues to 60 young (3 regions, 20 beneficiaries/region) people every year.

The training program has a duration of 80 hours, of which 40 hours are allocated to theory and 40 hours are allocated to practical training in applications aiming to the control of feeding costs and production expenses, milk processing units and feed mills.

A Certificate of Attendance is provided at the end of the program.

Objective of the Program

The main objective of the program is to train young individuals in livestock farming and/or dairy technology, and to help them acquire skills and knowledge that they can either take back to the farm or dairy where they work, or use in order to start their own business.

At the same time, it aims to strengthen the presence of Greek sheep and goat dairy products both in the domestic and international markets

Who it is for

  • Unemployed or underemployed young individuals with little or no experience in sheep and goat farming, who seek specialized knowledge in theoretical and practical issues of the sector.
  • Young farmers who need professional training in order to apply modern farming practices.
  • Experienced farmers who need targeted consulting services regarding the recent advances in the dairy sector. During consulting, the farmers can investigate a wide range of subjects from herd management and milk production to financial management.
  • Limitations: the individuals must be fully willing to attend the intensive training program (90% presence is required).


The curriculum includes  the following topics (indicatively):

  • Sheep and goat breeding
  • Sheep and goat nutrition
  • Dairy product technology
  • Financial and legislative issues
  • Depending on the case, preparation of business plans and consulting according to the product or service that is to be produced/provided by special scientists.

Areas of activation of the 2019-20 training round

Regional Unit of Ioannina (Ioannina, March to May 2020)
Regional Unit of Agrinio (Agrinio, May to July 2020)
Regional Unit of Rethymno (Rethymno, January to March 2020)

Duration of action

Up to 90 days/3 months per region.
Attendance is mandatory.
Classes are held from Monday to Friday for 4 hours per day.

For further info

Artemis Rigou
Project Management Office (PMO) of New Agriculture for the New Generation
Agricultural University of Athens, 75, Iera Odos Street, Athens, 11855, tel.: 210-5294963, 210-5294964

Number of beneficiaries
20 ωφελούμενοι/περιοχή
80 ώρες
Applications up to