Νέα Γεωργία Νέα Γενιά

Mastic trees: Ensuring the future of a national product – Knowledge transfer and innovation network in Chios


Short Description

The organization New Agriculture New Generation announces the start of the free training and advisory program “Mastic trees: Ensuring the future of a national product – Knowledge transfer and innovation network in Chios”.

The program follows the successful action “Mastic Trees: Modern Techniques of Propagation and Cultivation”, implemented from October 2021 to May 2023 in Chios. This program aims to create the first organized network for knowledge and innovation transfer for mastic cultivation on the island of Chios, from producer to producer (peer to peer).

The program is divided into two implementation phases:

  1. The first phase involves selecting 20 mastic producers from the 24 Mastic Villages of Chios who already have relevant experience in cultivation. These selected producers will be trained to educate other producers in their area through seminars and workshops. The selected producers will serve as reference points in their region.
  2. In the second phase, all interested mastic producers in Chios can participate in receiving knowledge about mastic cultivation from the trained producers of the first phase. This phase involves knowledge exchange and problem-solving facilitated by the New Agriculture New Generation organization, the Chios Mastic Growers Association, and the Laboratory of Floriculture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

The program aims to enhance mastic cultivation techniques and create a sustainable network of knowledge transfer among mastic producers in Chios. It is funded by the New Agriculture New Generation organization and the Chios Mastic Growers Association.

Target Audience

  • Participants in the first phase: Mastic producers aged 18-45 (or 46-55 if necessary), members of the primary cooperatives of the Chios Mastic Growers Association, willing to participate in the training program and transfer their knowledge to other producers in their region.
  • Participants in the second phase: All interested mastic producers in Chios.

Program of Studies

The program includes topics such as propagation of mastic trees, fertilization, biodiversity, pest control, harvesting techniques, and integrated mastic cultivation practices.


18 months, starting from December 2023 to May 2025, with training sessions held 2-3 days per month.

For more information

Contact Stefanos Hatzilazarou or Stefanos Kostas at the Laboratory of Floriculture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, or Kalliopi Karampoyki at New Agriculture New Generation.

Number of beneficiaries
Α phase: 100 hours
Β phase: 70 hours
December 2023 - May 2025
Applications up to
Thursday, 30 November, 2023