and sustainable gRowing eConomiEs – SOURCE

New Agriculture New Generation is participating as a partner in the Erasmus+ project titled “Boosting Social and Organic Farming for Inclusive & Sustainable Growing Economies – SOURCE“, coordinated by Agriform Parma with the Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem (volt SZIE), as partner. The aim is to promote organic farming with a social emphasis (social farming) and to support farmers and vulnerable social groups, contributing to a sustainable agrifood ecosystem without exclusions.
Main objectives
The main project objective is to strengthen the connection between social farming and organic farming by supporting upskilling processes of farmers and aspirants to spread organic and social farming for sustainable and inclusive ecosystems.
The project will contribute to the improvement of the existing training practices and to design a common VET syllabus for the so-called “social organic farmer” by boosting green innovation and the transition to sustainable production and inclusive societies in the future.
The activities of the project foresee:
- A collection of best practices on social and organic farming at the EU level and their analysis to create a knowledge baseline as common ground for future development;
- The social organic farmer profile description and social organic farmer vocational training syllabus to identify skills and competencies;
- Stakeholders engagement and policy influencing to co-create policy recommendations to boost social and organic farming
The expected results of the project are:
1. A digital glossary focused on agrosocial practices
2. A Best Practices document
3. The social organic farmer skills profile
4. A social organic farmer VET syllabus
5. A Policy Recommendations Paper for stakeholders to support the diffusion of social organic farming through adequate educational policies
The project is being conducted by European partners from Italy (Agriform), Hungary (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences), and Greece (New Agriculture New Generation).
Three-day Workshop in Athens
As part of the Erasmus+ Program titled “Boosting SOcial and Organic farming for inclUsive and sustainable gRowing eConomiEs – SOURCE“, the organization New Agriculture New Generation hosted partners from Agriform Parma in Italy and Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem in Hungary in Athens.
A three-day workshop (June 8th, 9th, & 10th, 2023) was organized, focusing on creating a common European educational framework where individuals from vulnerable social groups can smoothly integrate into social and professional reality through their employment in the field of organic farming.
During the workshop, Christos Tsilikis, Social Entrepreneurship Consultant, presented the institutional framework and the latest developments in social entrepreneurship in the European Union. Additionally, a visit was made to the Equalact social Action for Social Equality for Persons with Disabilities Association in Cholargos.