The know-how developed by the New Agriculture New Generation organization has made it a reliable partner in the implementation of demanding European and international collaborations. Outgoingness is a key priority of our organization as it allows us to share knowledge and skills and create solid international networks of cooperation that are beneficial to the agri-food industry as a whole.
Erasmus+ Project
The Carbon Farming Awareness Hub (CarboFarmHub) project is an Erasmus+ initiative, co-funded by the European Commission.
The project aims to establish a network of awareness hubs across four partner countries: Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain.
Erasmus+ Project
New Agriculture New Generation is participating as a partner in the Erasmus+ project titled “Boosting Social and Organic Farming for Inclusive & Sustainable Growing Economies – SOURCE”, coordinated by Agriform Parma with the Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem (volt SZIE), as partner. The aim is to promote organic farming with a social emphasis (social farming) and to support farmers and vulnerable social groups, contributing to a sustainable agrifood ecosystem without exclusions.