Short Description
The organization “New Agriculture New Generation” and the Region of Western Macedonia, in collaboration with the Cluster of Bioeconomy of Western Macedonia (CluBE), the Agronutritional Cooperative of Western Macedonia Region (AgrNutr), and the University of Western Macedonia (UoWM) are offering a free training and counseling program for agrocircularity and its appplications on farming. The program is implemented with the scientific guidance of experienced academics, led by Dr. Fokion Papathanasiou, University of Western Macedonia.
The Agrocircularity training program consists of four distinct training modules, each one offering training on one important and upcoming sector of farming. The four modules are:
- Fruit-tree farming
- Viticulture
- Medicinal and aromatic plants
- Beekeeping
The program is addressed to established farmers (between the age of 18-45) as well as to unemployed and young professionals who wish to work in the agrifood sector and other related professions.
Each module will target a group of 20 people, through a training course that will cover topics such as: innovative approaches to plant cultivation and protection in the context of sustainable farming, processing and standardization of agricultural products, utilization of agricultural waste, working together with end users, making use of funding tools, new policies on a European and national level, innovative business models, promotion and dissemination etc.
Each module’s training program covers 62 hours of training, with 31 hours being devoted to lectures and 31 hours to hands-on training on the field as well as counselling for planning and implementing business ideas.
At the end of the program a Certificate of Attendance will be given to participants.
Objective of the Program
The main objective of the program is to provide a solid starting point for unemployed people and young professionals who wish to work in the agrifood sector, as well as a source of specialized training in agrocircularity for established farmers.
Target group
The program provides training to established farmers (between the age of 18-45) as well as to unemployed and young professionals who wish to work in the agrifood sector and other related professions.
Participants must be willing to actively participate in the training program (i.e., attending at least 90% of the classes), interested in working in the agrifood sector, and be available to start actual work immediately after the training.
In addition, participants who are interested in the beekeeping module must not be allergic to bee stings!
The curriculum includes the following topics (per module, indicatively):
Fruit-tree farming
- Fruit-tree ecology
- Synergistic interaction between fruit-tree farming and beekeeping
- Techniques for the cultivation of fruit-trees
- Standardization, packaging, preservation of fruit-tree produces
- Exploitation of by-products
- Business plans
- Organic and integrated viticulture
- Maturation and quality in winemaking
- Exploitation of waste and by-products of viticulture and circular economy
- Standardization, packaging, quality control of products
- Business plans
Medicinal and aromatic plants
- Organic and integrated farming of plants
- Exploitation of waste and by-products of aromatic and medicinal plants and circular economy
- Synergistic interaction between medicinal and aromatic plant farming and beekeeping
- Standardization, packaging, quality control of products
- Business plans
- Beekeeping handling procedures
- Queen rearing and royal jelly production
- Bee diseases and pests
- Beehive products, product trading
- Business plans
Areas of activation of the 2021-22 training round
Region of Western Macedonia (including all regional units)
Duration of action
12 months
Attendance is mandatory. However, lectures will take place online. Physical presence is required only in the field training. Lessons will take place on 1 or 2 days (approximately) every month.
Additional Information
Angeliki Foutri
Planner – Environmental manager
Tel: 6972242214
Email: [email protected]