Νέα Γεωργία Νέα Γενιά

AGRIFOOD EXPORTS 360°: 6 scholarships for professionals specializing in exports from the Region of Western Greece.

The organization New Agriculture New Generation and the Region of Western Greece announce the granting of six scholarships for attending the specialized and certified training program for exports of agrifood products AGRIFOOD EXPORTS 360°, aimed at supporting young professionals engaged in export activities in the agrifood sector.

Specifically, the Region of Western Greece provides six scholarships for executives of companies and professionals engaged in export activities or interested in exporting their products, based in Western Greece. Interested parties can learn more about the program, eligibility criteria, and submit their application until March 26 here.

AGRIFOOD EXPORTS 360° is the first specialized and certified professional training program in Greece for agrifood exports, implemented for the fifth consecutive year by the organization New Agriculture New Generation, through the founding donation of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF). The program serves as an effective tool for entrepreneurs, business executives, cooperatives, and producers who wish to effectively promote their products and services in foreign markets.

The agrifood sector now, more than ever, needs to ensure the effectiveness and success of its export businesses. A crucial link in the chain is the specialized human capital that can effectively staff export-oriented enterprises. The goal of this program is to provide participants with substantive and practical knowledge and skills, focusing on the most modern techniques in the field of agrifood product exports.

Through a comprehensive 66-hour online program, participants will gain substantive and practical knowledge and skills with an emphasis on product and technological requirements for exports, marketing strategies, market research, customer approach, and procedural requirements of the export process set by international markets.

Distinguished speakers, business executives, and academics from Greece as well as Rutgers University in New Jersey, USA, with extensive professional and academic experience, will help expand the boundaries of your businesses and organizations, highlighting best practices and market examples.

Certified by ACTA – the Technological Education Institute of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with a Quality Training Label, AGRIFOOD EXPORTS 360° is implemented by the organization New Agriculture New Generation, through the founding donation of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF).

The sponsors of AGRIFOOD EXPORTS 360° scholarships are the Region of Western Greece and BAYER Hellas. The program is under the auspices of SEV – Hellenic Federation of Enterprises, SEVT – Association of Greek Food Industries, the Greek-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Initiative OUR GREECE.

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