Νέα Γεωργία Νέα Γενιά

New Agriculture New Generation: Economic Impact and New Prospects for AgriFood

New Agriculture New Generation organized a special Media Event on February 21 in Thessaloniki, aimed at the city’s journalists. The event highlighted the significant initiatives implemented by the Organization to strengthen the Greek agrifood ecosystem in 2024, as well as the upcoming actions planned to support and develop the sector in 2025.

The presentation was delivered by the Organization’s CEO, Ms. Effie Lazaridou, who discussed trends in the agri-food sector and outlined key actions and initiatives undertaken over the past year. Specifically, Ms. Lazaridou spoke about international collaborations with the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean of the Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Citi Foundation, as well as flagship initiatives supporting beekeeping—including the critical emergency response intervention following Storm Daniel in Thessaly. She also highlighted the vital role of programs such as “Agroanelixi,” Trophy-Trofi, Agrifood Leadership, as well as the Olive Growing and Poultry Farming Academies.

During the event, reference was also made to the independent Socioeconomic Impact Assessment Report conducted by Deloitte for the period 2017–2023. The Organization’s initiatives have directly and indirectly benefited over 31,000 individuals, generating a total economic impact exceeding 40 million euros. Additionally, for every 1 euro invested in the Organization, 5.35 euros are generated in the real economy.

The year 2024 was also marked by numerous and significant awards for the Organization. Among other honors, it was recognized by the leading Greek diaspora institution “The Hellenic Initiative,” invited by the Consulate General of Greece in New York, and, for the second time, acknowledged as a European Best Practice by DG Agri for its role in knowledge transfer in the primary sector. Furthermore, Ms. Effie Lazaridou was distinguished as NGO Manager of the Year 2024.

For 2025, new initiatives are planned to continue and expand the Organization’s successful programs. The new cycle of the “AgroAnelixi” business accelerator for agri-food enterprises and the new Trophy-Trofi program, which connects academic research with the market, are expected to launch soon. Additionally, the beekeeping program is being implemented in Central Greece, while the new cycle of the Agrifood Leadership program will open applications in the coming months. The collaboration with the Citi Foundation continues with the “Social Farming 360°” program in agricultural detention centers, and a second initiative, funded by the foundation, will soon begin to enhance employability among vulnerable social groups in collaboration with Praksis.

At the conclusion of the event, CEO Ms. Effie Lazaridou expressed her deep gratitude to the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF), the Organization’s founding donor, for its ongoing support. She also thanked all media representatives, partners, beneficiaries, and the dedicated team of the Organization.

New Agriculture New Generation remains steadfast in its commitment to supporting the next generation of professionals in the agri-food sector by investing in education, innovation, and the creation of new growth opportunities. The goal is to shape a modern, sustainable, and competitive agri-food ecosystem in Greece.

The data covers the period 2017-2023, except for economic impact (2023) and environmental footprint (2020-2023).

You can read a summary of the Organization’s 2024 projects here.

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