Our beneficiaries
Meet Nikos Lionis and Maria Barbouni, beneficiaries of the program “Agroanelixi-Farmers of the Future”.
A family of first-generation livestock farmers and cheesemakers from Rethymno, Crete, Nikos and Maria have been dedicated to the agriculture sector since 2009.
As their goal has been and remains to strengthen the field and create quality products, in 2023 they decided to participate in the program “Agroanelixi-Farmers of the Future”, which was once again implemented by the organization “New Agriculture New Generation”.
From idea to action
The family farm was established in 2009 in the village of Agios Andreas. As Nikos states, “Our dedication to animal husbandry started in 2009 when we founded our farm.” He continues, saying, “There, we mainly raise goats and other domestic animals. In 2020, we created the ‘Family Dairy Farm Lionis’, starting the processing of the milk produced by our animals, producing dairy and cheese products with emphasis on tradition and quality.”
Participation in the “Agroanelixi 2022” accelerator
“New Agriculture New Generation” implemented in 2023, for the fourth consecutive year, the successful program of accelerating agri-food businesses “Agroanelixi-Farmers of the Future”, through which farmers, livestock breeders, beekeepers, crafts, cooperatives, and producer groups from all over Greece are supported in creating new differentiated food products, based on the unique raw materials of Greek land.
Both Nikos and Maria considered their participation in the program crucial for the evolution of their family business and craft, as well as for improving the produced products.
As they say, “With the support of the organization ‘New Agriculture New Generation and participation in training seminars in Rethymno in 2020 and 2022, as well as through the business acceleration program in the agri-food sector ‘Agroanelixi – Farmers of the Future 2023’, we improved the quality of life of our animals.” And they continue, saying, “We chose the suitable breed of goats to diversify our products, while improving the feed of our animals for maximum production of quality milk.”
In addition to the above, Nikos and Maria support that through their participation in the programs and actions of the organization, they managed to properly cost their products and, at the same time, to delve into the idea of agrotourism, making both the farm and their dairy unit visitable.
“We hope that our vision will soon be realized, offering people from all over Greece the opportunity to participate in a unique interactive experience of experiential workshops,” they conclude.
Nikos Lionis and Maria Barbouni participated in the fourth cycle of the program for accelerating agri-food businesses “Agroanelixi – Farmers of the Future”.
The program supports agri-food businesses, aiming to shape a new entrepreneurial mindset in the sector and develop new differentiated food products through sustainable entrepreneurial efforts.
Implemented by the organization “New Agriculture New Generation” through the founding donation of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF). Sponsors of the fourth cycle of Agroanelixi – “Farmers of the Future” are the companies DS Smith, ELBISCO, EFOOD, Letrina S.A., and Specialist Awards.