Νέα Γεωργία Νέα Γενιά

Local Products of the Municipality of Agia: from farm to shelf

Short description

The project has been planned by the Municipality of Agia in cooperation with the Agricultural Cooperative of Melivia “Athanati” in order to support the agricultural sector and fulfill the need for High Quality Agricultural Products and Sustainable Farming according to a long-term plan based on the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN. Innovative methods, new technologies and tools shall increase the added value of the local products and change the mentality of the people involved through extroversion and new cooperation opportunities.

The project consists of 2 Strands:

Strand 1 of the training programm focuses on the need of the farmers to protect the chestnut trees, decrease the costs for plant protection and improve the quality through the use of ecological insecticides.

Strand 2 of the training programm is based on a very detailed education plan that includes every part of the farming process, access to innovative farming methods and High Quality Certifications, the connection between local agricultural products and the tourism sector, skills and competences of the farmers, long-term planning, consulting and sales management that will improve the competitiveness, the extroversion and the quality of the local agricultural products of the Municipality of Agia.


Project objective

Main aim of this project is to meet the needs of the young farmers that live in less favoured areas, give them the opportunity to gain new skills and innovative production methods and support them tο pursue economic activity in their home place.


Target group

Tree growers, members of the Agricultural Cooperative of Melivia, agronomists, local tourism stakeholders, entrepreneurs, members of associations, unemployed

The participants are allowed to choose to participate in both strands.

As of Strand 1 the participation in all of the sections is mandatory.

As of Strand 2 the participants are allowed to choose any section they wish to.



The proposal has two (2) Strands:

STRAND 1: Plant protection – Modern innovative and ecological ways to fight against the diseases of chestnut trees”

1. Use of pheromones and pheromone traps

2. Organic insecticides

3. Application of precision spraying through the use of new technologies

4. Environmental indicators – Sustainable use of pesticides – Disposal of empty pesticide packaging


STRAND 2: Modern methods of production, certification, packaging and promotion of local agricultural products.

Section 1: Production methods, Quality control and Promotion of Agricultural Products

1. Precision Farming

2. Agroecology

3. Quality Control Systems, Food Hygiene and Safety

4. Processing and packaging of raw agricultural products

5. Retail Sales of Agricultural Products – Direct Sales of Agricultural Products – Legislation – Tools – Purchasing Habits Analysis – Customer Needs Analysis

5.1 Marketing of Agricultural Products + Export marketing

5.2 Export Procedures & Contracting

6. E-banking, E-Commerce, Use of New Technologies in the Sales Management of agricultural products

7. Quality Control Systems – National and International Quality Standards (IFS/BRC) GLOBALGAP/GLOBALGAP GRASP -PDO – PGI – Organic Farming

Section 2: Processing of Local Agricultural Products

1. Organic Food and Drinks

2. Processing of local agricultural products – Traditional recipies – Processing methods – Replacement of sugar – Use of stevia

Section 3: Connecting Agriculture with Tourism

8. Open farms – Tourism product

10. Connecting the primary sector with the tertiary sector – Sustainable tourism strategy

The project will take place in the Municipality of Agia (Eastern Thessaly)


Duration of the project

12 months

Participation is mandatory – A Certificate of Attendance will be issued. Lessons take place 2-3 times / month. All participants will be informed in case of changes due to Covid-19 restrictions


For further info

Theodora Patsiavoudi


Department of Planning, Organization and Informatics, Municipality of Agia


E-mail: [email protected]

Farm Plastics Initiatives

The use of plastics in agriculture is extensive since they are used in various instances. Pollution caused by agricultural plastics is one of the biggest challenges as currently only about 10 percent of farm plastics are recycled worldwide.

The situation in Greece is characterized by deficiencies in the recording of quantities produced and used, while disposal on the ground and open fire are the dominant management practice, with the remaining farm plastic waste ending up in landfills.

EU regulations are -and will continue to do so- imposing strict rules for the protection of the environment. The Green Deal is already tapping into these issues. Developments will have direct impact both on agricultural practices and the ability of agrifood businesses to receive subsidies. They are already affecting the competitiveness of producers ability to do business abroad.

New Agriculture for a New Generation has embarked upon a nation-wide effort around responsible waste management of farm plastics.

Our goals are:

  • to support young farmers in ensuring their future business competitiveness and
  • to showcase that the agricultural sector can be part of the solution for the environment.

To this end, in a joint initiative with the Athanassios Laskaridis Charitable Foundation (ALCF) and with the support of the Hellenic Crop Protection Association (HCPA) we have organized a working meeting titled “Plastics in Agriculture” on December 9, 2019 in Athens. At the meeting, all new developments and concerns in the field of farm plastics were presented and discussed by experts and institutional representatives from Greece and abroad, as well as representatives of the ministries and recycling companies. It was made clear that, although the problem has been documented, there is no proper planning to address farm plastic waste.

As a next step, the “New Agriculture for a New Generation” program has commissioned an exoert environmentalist, Mrs Christina Kontaxi to conduct research on the use of farm plastics in Greece and come up with a brief report on the situation in the country and the EU regulatory framework, as an initial mapping tool in order to find solutions for farm plastics waste.

Based on the above, the “New Agriculture for the New Generation” program undertook the initiative to implement a pilot program for responsible waste management of farm plastics.

This program will include:

  • Information and awareness raising activities
  • Pilot scheme for collection, transportation and recycling management of empty pesticide containers

This initiative will be implemented in collaboration with the Hellenic Crop Protection Association and with the support of Athanassios Laskaridis Charitable Foundation, Captain Vasillis and Carmen Constantakopoulos Foundation and the Ministry of Rural Development and Food.

The program “New Agriculture for a New Generation” facilitates the discussion and collaboration among key players and connects the dots between the users, recyclers, policy makers and institutional actors.

Enhancing the Position of High Nutritional Value Products

Enhancing the Position of High Nutritional Value Products

The action “Enhancing the Position of High Nutritional Value Products” aims to highlight the value of Greek agricultural products by identifying and adding health claims, thereby promoting their exports. It represents a structured approach to documenting health claims for products and supporting local production to further enhance competitiveness.

Increasing the competitiveness of high nutritional value products creates excellent prospects for the overall development of rural areas, ensuring added value for the products themselves. Additionally, through this action, it is possible to support other sectors that will benefit from increased economic activity, such as logistics and tourism.

The action is designed and implemented by the organization New Agriculture New Generation and the University of Thessaly (UTH), with the support of the National Union of Agricultural Cooperatives (ETHAE). The project leader is Dr. Dimitrios Kouretas, Professor at UTH, Laboratory of Animal Physiology, Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology.

Action Objective

Highlighting health claims in local Greek products will increase their added value. However, in most cases, these properties have not been investigated. This specific action constitutes a structured approach to documenting health claims and supporting local production to enhance competitiveness.

The research action is addressed to:

  • Municipalities
  • Regions
  • Cooperatives & other collaborative schemes
  • Companies and producers

Action Structure

The project is executed in two distinct phases.

The first phase involves field research, laboratory analysis procedures, communication with the local agri-food system, and informing the interested public. The project will focus on 8 local products of high nutritional value:

  • Pieria Kiwis (PGI)
  • Naoussa Peaches (PDO)
  • Zagora Pelion Apples (PDO)
  • Maleme Chania Crete Oranges (PDO)
  • Prespes Florina Beans (giant elephants) (PGI)
  • Cretan Stamnagathi
  • Sykouri Almonds from the Ossa area
  • Edessa Cherries

In the second phase, the project focuses on business support and developing a comprehensive strategy for the commercial promotion of the health claims that will add value to the produced products.

It is clear that identifying and adding health claims to Greek products will give them significant added value, especially for exports.

Duration of Action

The duration of the research program is 12 months.

More Information

Dr. Dimitrios Kouretas, Professor, University of Thessaly

Tel: 2410565277, 6947892709

Email: [email protected]

Kalliopi Karaboiki, Capacity Building Associate, New Agriculture New Generation

Tel: 2106917986, 6972096122

Email: [email protected]

Agrocircularity: Applications on Farming

Short Description

The organization “New Agriculture New Generation” and the Region of Western Macedonia, in collaboration with the Cluster of Bioeconomy of Western Macedonia (CluBE), the Agronutritional Cooperative of Western Macedonia Region (AgrNutr), and the University of Western Macedonia (UoWM) are offering a free training and counseling program for agrocircularity and its appplications on farming. The program is implemented with the scientific guidance of experienced academics, led by Dr. Fokion Papathanasiou, University of Western Macedonia.

The Agrocircularity training program consists of four distinct training modules, each one offering training on one important and upcoming sector of farming. The four modules are:

  • Fruit-tree farming
  • Viticulture
  • Medicinal and aromatic plants
  • Beekeeping

The program is addressed to established farmers (between the age of 18-45) as well as to unemployed and young professionals who wish to work in the agrifood sector and other related professions.

Each module will target a group of 20 people, through a training course that will cover topics such as: innovative approaches to plant cultivation and protection in the context of sustainable farming, processing and standardization of agricultural products, utilization of agricultural waste, working together with end users, making use of funding tools, new policies on a European and national level, innovative business models, promotion and dissemination etc.

Each module’s training program covers 62 hours of training, with 31 hours being devoted to lectures and 31 hours to hands-on training on the field as well as counselling for planning and implementing business ideas.

At the end of the program a Certificate of Attendance will be given to participants.

Objective of the Program

The main objective of the program is to provide a solid starting point for unemployed people and young professionals who wish to work in the agrifood sector, as well as a source of specialized training in agrocircularity for established farmers.

Target group

The program provides training to established farmers (between the age of 18-45) as well as to unemployed and young professionals who wish to work in the agrifood sector and other related professions.

Participants must be willing to actively participate in the training program (i.e., attending at least 90% of the classes), interested in working in the agrifood sector, and be available to start actual work immediately after the training.

In addition, participants who are interested in the beekeeping module must not be allergic to bee stings!


The curriculum includes the following topics (per module, indicatively):

Fruit-tree farming

  • Fruit-tree ecology
  • Synergistic interaction between fruit-tree farming and beekeeping
  • Techniques for the cultivation of fruit-trees
  • Standardization, packaging, preservation of fruit-tree produces
  • Exploitation of by-products
  • Business plans


  • Organic and integrated viticulture
  • Maturation and quality in winemaking
  • Exploitation of waste and by-products of viticulture and circular economy
  • Standardization, packaging, quality control of products
  • Business plans

Medicinal and aromatic plants

  • Organic and integrated farming of plants
  • Exploitation of waste and by-products of aromatic and medicinal plants and circular economy
  • Synergistic interaction between medicinal and aromatic plant farming and beekeeping
  • Standardization, packaging, quality control of products
  • Business plans


  • Beekeeping handling procedures
  • Queen rearing and royal jelly production
  • Bee diseases and pests
  • Beehive products, product trading
  • Business plans

Areas of activation of the 2021-22 training round

Region of Western Macedonia (including all regional units)

Duration of action

12 months

Attendance is mandatory. However, lectures will take place online. Physical presence is required only in the field training. Lessons will take place on 1 or 2 days (approximately) every month.

Additional Information

Angeliki Foutri


Planner – Environmental manager

Tel: 6972242214

Email: [email protected]

Sheep & Goat: Enhancing Dairy & Meat Sector

The training programme is designed and implemented by the American Farm School and aims at supporting the livestock farming sector by offering a new business model for utilizing goat’s milk, as well as sheepmeat and goatmeat.

A Certificate of Attendance is provided at the end of the programme.

Objective of the Programme

The objective of the programme is to provide consulting and training in issues pertaining to livestock farming; to conduct research and develop new products made with goat’s milk; and to provide guidance on issues concerning the development and marketing of fresh and processed sheepmeat and goatmeat. Insofar as this is possible, the potential benefits of using existing domestic breeds will be highlighted; practices will be introduced with the aim of optimizing the two production activities; and the creation of future, pilot groups of young livestock farmers will be facilitated.

Who it is for

The programme provides consulting and training to at least 70 young persons between the ages of 18 and 40 every year for a period of three years. These individuals include prospective and young livestock farmers, future and current animal production, food and veterinary scientists, as well as professionals in sectors related to the production and processing of dairy products and meat.


The curriculum includes the following topics (indicatively):

  • Animal nutrition
  • Health and welfare of animals
  • Genetics and reproduction
  • Pasture management
  • Meat processing
  • Processing of dairy products
  • Basic principles of cheese-making
  • Food quality and safety
  • Financial management
  • Promotion and marketing of livestock products

Areas of activation of the 2019-20 training round

Central and Western Macedonia, Epirus, Thessaly, Eastern Macedonia & Thrace

Duration of action

12 months

For further info

Vicky Krystallidou
Strategic Project Management Office
American Farm School, 54 Marinou Antipa Street, P.O. Box 60097, 570 01, Thermi, Thessaloniki
Tel.: 2310- 492737

Livestock Farming and Dairy Technology

The training program is designed and implemented by the Agricultural University of Athens, under the scientific guidance of a host of experienced university professors headed by Assistant Professor G. Papadomichelakis, with many years of extensive experience in training professional livestock farmers.

The training program titled “Livestock Farming & Dairy Technology”, offers training in herd management, feeding, milk production and processing, as well as in financial and legislative issues to 60 young (3 regions, 20 beneficiaries/region) people every year.

The training program has a duration of 80 hours, of which 40 hours are allocated to theory and 40 hours are allocated to practical training in applications aiming to the control of feeding costs and production expenses, milk processing units and feed mills.

A Certificate of Attendance is provided at the end of the program.

Objective of the Program

The main objective of the program is to train young individuals in livestock farming and/or dairy technology, and to help them acquire skills and knowledge that they can either take back to the farm or dairy where they work, or use in order to start their own business.

At the same time, it aims to strengthen the presence of Greek sheep and goat dairy products both in the domestic and international markets

Who it is for

  • Unemployed or underemployed young individuals with little or no experience in sheep and goat farming, who seek specialized knowledge in theoretical and practical issues of the sector.
  • Young farmers who need professional training in order to apply modern farming practices.
  • Experienced farmers who need targeted consulting services regarding the recent advances in the dairy sector. During consulting, the farmers can investigate a wide range of subjects from herd management and milk production to financial management.
  • Limitations: the individuals must be fully willing to attend the intensive training program (90% presence is required).


The curriculum includes  the following topics (indicatively):

  • Sheep and goat breeding
  • Sheep and goat nutrition
  • Dairy product technology
  • Financial and legislative issues
  • Depending on the case, preparation of business plans and consulting according to the product or service that is to be produced/provided by special scientists.

Areas of activation of the 2019-20 training round

Regional Unit of Ioannina (Ioannina, March to May 2020)
Regional Unit of Agrinio (Agrinio, May to July 2020)
Regional Unit of Rethymno (Rethymno, January to March 2020)

Duration of action

Up to 90 days/3 months per region.
Attendance is mandatory.
Classes are held from Monday to Friday for 4 hours per day.

For further info

Artemis Rigou
Project Management Office (PMO) of New Agriculture for the New Generation
Agricultural University of Athens, 75, Iera Odos Street, Athens, 11855, tel.: 210-5294963, 210-5294964

Small Farm Adoption

The training programme is designed and implemented by the American Farm School. It provides consulting in relation to the establishment and operation of small family farms to 150 young individuals every year over a period of three years.

The programme’s modules concern consulting services in the form of annual support in the field, which have been specially adapted to the needs of participants. Consulting is also provided in issues of quality assurance, marketing and promotional actions.

A Certificate of Attendance is provided at the end of the programme.

Objective of the Programme

The objective of the programme is to support and provide guidance to young farmers who wish to do business in the farming sector or improve the performance of their existing farms, thus contributing to their sustainability.

Who it is for

  • Groups consisting of young producers with similar crops in the selected areas of action of the programme.
  • Experienced producers forming part of these groups, who play a consulting role by conveying their knowledge and experience to younger producers.


The curriculum includes the following topics (indicatively):

  • Propagating material
  • Fertilizing
  • Plant protection
  • Irrigation
  • Harvesting
  • Precision farming techniques
  • Standardization and marketing issues

During the implementation of the action, trainees have the opportunity to train on the job, i.e. while practising their activities.

Area of activation of the 2019-20 training round

Regions of Central and Western Macedonia, Thessaly, Phthiotis

Duration of action

12 months

For further info

Ilias Kalfas
Strategic Project Management Office
American Farm School, 54 Marinou Antipa Street, P.O. Box 60097, 570 01, Thermi, Thessaloniki
Tel.: 2310-492827

Sustainable production of legumes

The training programme is designed and implemented by the Agricultural University of Athens, under the scientific guidance of a host of experienced university professors headed by Ms Papastylianou, with many years of extensive experience in training professional farmers. The training programme titled “Sustainable production of legumes”, offers training in the production, processing and marketing of these plant species to 40 young farmers every year.

The training programme has a duration of 100 hours, of which 50 hours are allocated to theory and 50 hours are allocated to practical training in the field.

A Certificate of Attendance is provided at the end of the programme.

Objective of the Programme

The objective of the programme is to give young farmers the opportunity to do business in the area of sustainable production of legumes, thus contributing to the sustainability of the countryside. At the same time it aims to strengthen the presence of Greek legumes both in the domestic and international markets.

Who it is for

  • Young farmers, unemployed and underemployed in the sector, with little or no experience in the production of legumes, who wish to gain practical and theoretical knowledge in order to specialize in this particular type of farming.
  • Young farmers who need professional and specialised training.
  • Experienced farmers who need consulting as regards new production practices and who, with some general guidance, will be able to explore various issues extending from sowing to harvesting.


The curriculum includes the following topics (indicatively):

  • Transplanting and plant propagation
  • Organic farming
  • Harvesting
  • Topics in marketing, certification and financing tools

Areas of activation of the 2018-19 training round


Duration of action

5 months
Attendance is mandatory.
Classes are held for 2 or 3 days every 10-day period (approximately).

For further info

Dimitra Xenaki
Artemis Rigou
Project Management Office (PMO) of New Farming for the New Generation
Agricultural University of Athens, 75, Iera Odos Street, Athens, 11855, tel.: 210-5294963, 210-5294964

Aromatic & Medicinal Plants

The educational program was designed and implemented with the scientific guidance of professors from the Agricultural University of Athens, the action’s co-ordinator Professor G. Economou, with extensive experience in the field of MAPs and at the implementation of training programs for newcomers and professional farmers in the field of MAPs.

The MAPs training program provides theoretical and practical training on the production, processing and marketing of these plant species to create employment and entrepreneurship opportunities for young people in the MAPs field.

The duration is 108 hours, of which 54 hours of theory and 54 hours of practical training in MAPs crops, propagating plants (certified nursery gardens) and processing products.

At the end of the program a follow-up certificate is issued.

Purpose of the Programme

The aim of the program is to give young farmers an opportunity to become active in the field of medicinal and aromatic plants, thus contributing to the sustainability of the countryside and establishing a network  for the promotion and marketing of local natural MAPs species through participatory business plans. At the same time, it aims to support the reinforcement of the presence of Greek MAPs not only in the domestic but also in the international market. The program was piloted in Thessaly in the previous trainining cycle. The next six months the program will be expanded to Crete in where the same circle of seminars will be held at the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICH) on the production, processing and marketing of specific endangered MAPs species because of their uncontrolled harvest.

Who it is for

• Unemployed young people with no experience in the field of medicinal and aromatic plants with a secondary education diploma or a tertiary degree (agronomists, engineers, chemists, pharmacists, economists).
• Young farmers with agricultural land and equipment suitable for farming practices.
• Underemployed young people in family businesses in the medicinal and aromatic plants sector.
• Young farmers active in small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of medicinal and aromatic plants and wish to develop agrotourism services and products.


The curriculum includes the following topics (indicatively):

• Plant propagation
• Plant transplantanting and plant establishment
• Weed, irrigation and fertilizer management systems
• Digital Farming Practices
• Harvest and dryness.
• Essential oils extraction.
• Products standardization and marketing issues
• Where appropriate, drafting business plans & consulting depending on the product or service to be produced by specialist scientists.

Areas of activation of the 2019-20 training round

A new training course will start in Chania Crete (Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania – MAICH) for 15 young people who wish to be involved in the field of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.

Specifically, in the frame of the New Agriculture for A New Generation Program, the following semester will host a circle of seminars in the field of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants on the production, processing and marketing of specific MAPs species to 15 young people who want to deal with this industry.

Crete, due to its long tradition in the use of these plants and its unique biodiversity, is an ideal opportunity to apply innovations throughout the production and marketing chain of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. The Agricultural University of Athens and the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania under the coordinationof the New Agriculture for A New Generation Program will provide high quality education with the participation of specialized scientists, researchers and entrepreneurs from other Universities, Institutes and Industries.

Duration of the seminar

Up to 6 months training on local Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.
Presence is mandatory.
Courses are held 3 or 4 days each month (approximately).

For further info

Artemis Rigou
Project Management Office (PMO) of New Farming for the New Generation
Agricultural University of Athens, 75, Iera Odos Street, Athens, 11855, tel.: 210-5294963, 210-5294964


The training program is designed and implemented by the Agricultural University of Athens, under the scientific guidance of a host of experienced university professors headed by Mr. Goras, with many years of extensive experience in beekeeping education.

The training program titled “Apiculture”, offers training in two categories of trainees. One is for basic beekeeping education in Halkida (20 trainees) and the other is for advanced courses in the towns of Trikala and Larisa (40 trainees in total).

The training program has a duration of 100 hours, of which 60 hours are allocated to theory and 40 hours are allocated to practical training on beehives for the basic group, while 45 hours are allocated to theory and 55 hours are allocated to practical training on beehives for the advanced group.

A Certificate of Attendance is provided at the end of the program.

Objective of the Programme

The objective of the program is to serve as a good starting point for young beekeepers (basic group).

At the same time, it aims to strengthen the already beekeepers, providing them with knowledge and skills, which are essential for the professional approach.

Who it is for

  • Basic group: participants must me with none or small experience in beekeeping and must not be allergic to beestings. They must be willing to participate in the training program. Unemployed, farmers, low educated and local people will be preferred.
  • Advanced groups: participants must have significant beekeeping experience and already possess some bee colonies. Beneficiaries of previous years of the program, unemployed, farmers, low educated and local people will be preferred.


The curriculum includes the following topics (indicatively):

Basic group

  • Familiarity with the bees
  • Beehive inspection
  • Bee biology
  • Beekeeping equipment
  • Transports of beehives
  • Operations during the year
  • Brood diseases
  • Adult honeybees’ diseases
  • Pests
  • Bee products

Advanced group

  • Operations during the year – special cases
  • Brood diseases
  • Adult honeybees’ diseases
  • Pests
  • Annual plan for controlling varroosis and Nosemosis
  • Bee products
  • Organic beekeeping
  • Queen rearing
  • Production of royal jelly

Depending on the case, preparation of business plans and consulting according to product or service that is to be produced/provided by special scientists

Areas of activation of the 2019-20 training round

Halkida: Basic group
Larisa: Advanced group
Trikala: Advanced group

Duration of action

16 days per group. Classes will be held from December to June. During the winter months (December, January, February) will emphasize mainly in theoretical courses, while in the remaining months (March, April, May and June) practical courses will be held in the apiary.
Attendance is mandatory.

Useful information

Information will be provided on the exact dates and places of the trainings.The training will be provided with educational materials and textbooks.

For further info

Artemis Rigou
Project Management Office (PMO) of New Farming for the New Generation
Agricultural University of Athens, 75, Iera Odos Street, Athens, 11855, tel.: 210-5294963, 210-5294964