Sectoral studies
American Farm School
The aim of the study is to investigate the possibilities that exist in Greece for the development of rural tourism and to identify the basic conditions and critical success factors, in order for the agritourism business to be sustainable.
The purpose of this study is to examine the potential for cultivation of alternative fruit crops in Greece in order to improve the contribution of small fruit crop sector to Greek agricultural productivity and the national economy. Moreover, proposed actions aim to strengthen the sector increasing its attractiveness, thus giving a way out in the fight against unemployment and especially for young people.
The present sectoral study is actually a feasibility study of the bakery, confectionery and pasta market. It points out all the challenges and obstacles that small and medium-sized businesses are called upon to overcome in order to cope with the competition of large companies. Finally, it demonstrates -as a necessary condition for building quality in the field of artisanal baking and confectionery and for differentiation from the supermarkets- the codification of traditional Greek bread recipes, including their standardization.
The aim of this study is to analyze the needs and requirements of those involved in the wider agricultural sector for e-commerce, digital marketing, e-services as well as to identify best practices in e-commerce solutions that have already been used on a national or international level.
The study initially describes the nature and structure of such an incubator. It then analyzes technically, financially, and commercially the necessity and support it can offer in many sectors (research, productive, commercial), but also at all stages of the agri-food chain.
The study focuses on the creation of a food processing incubator. It analyzes how business incubators are a proven mechanism globally that supports the growth of start-up business to overcome the weaknesses and barriers in the industry. Finally, the study presents a plan for the creation of such an incubator in Greece.
Τhis study explores whether the aromatic and medicinal plants industry can be the answer to youth rejuvenation and what should be done in this direction.
The present study focuses on the meat and fish processing sectors, in order to explore and evaluate the pοtential for youth entrepreneurship and job creation.
The study aims to assist the exporting efforts of Greek companies through a report offering evidence based advice on the attractiveness of Mediterranean diet and Mediterranean cuisine in five different markets (naming the United States of America, the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom, France and Russia) and market segments, giving also indication on possible product development and marketing strategies for Greek exporters.
The aim of this study is to investigate whether the viticulture sector could be the answer to youth unemployment and whether this sector could improve the national economy to reverse the negative trend of the overall economic crisis in the country.
Agricultural University Of Athens
The following study for aquaculture in Greece presents the needs of the market in seafood both at European and domestic level, and the potential for the development of the industry in Greece. Also, through this study, the opportunities and the conditions needed for the design and creation of a sustainable marine farming unit emerge.
The study on Greek wine and other spirits refers to the need but also to the potential for further development of the wine industry in Greece, through the production of authentic and quality products and their marketing in the international market.
The following study aims at the systematic demographic mapping of young people, either employed or unemployed, who could potentially engage in activities related to the agri-food sector.
This study carries out an extensive economic and technical analysis by type of breeding. It presents the best investment options in animal production for young people in the field with the lowest possible risk and with the highest potential to be economically viable.
The sectoral study of the olive growing sector refers to the development prospects of Greek olive oil and table olives in the international market and the possible expansion of Greek exports. The study also indicates the need to produce quality products. Finally, it presents two sustainable ten-year business plans for the creation of olive oil and table olive production units.
This sectoral study presents the importance of organic crops for agriculture. It analyzes the international market of organic products as well as its needs. Finally, it focuses on the best investment areas for young people who want to get involved in the organic products industry.
This study highlights the value of propagation material as a basis for healthy crops. The current legislation for each type of cultivation is analyzed as well as instructions for engaging and investing in the field of propagation material.
The aim of this study is to highlight the limitations and opportunities for existing producers but also for new entrants to the dairy sector in Greece. It also presents an economic and commercial analysis of the market at both national and European level.
The present study provides an overview of the vegetable production sector in Greece, focusing on both open fields crops and greenhouses. Carries out an economic analysis of the industry and the impact it has on the Greek market. Finally, it contains two business plans for young entrepreneurs related to the production of vegetables.
The present sectoral study is a techno-economic analysis of the beekeeping sector in Greece as an opportunity for employment of young people, whether they are beginners and have no experience with beekeeping in the past or are active beekeepers with prospects. The study also presents a business plan for young people who want to invest and engage in beekeeping.
The following study presents the economic viability of product diversification from broiler farming to turkey farming.
Other Studies – Agrologistics
The objective of the Sectoral Study on the potential of Agrologisticts in Greece is threefold. The study aims to: (a) examine the level of development of the sector now and in the future; (b) evaluate the potential of developing a network of Agrologistics hubs in the country with a focus on the development of an Agrologistics Center in the region of Thessaloniki; (c) identify skills gaps and shortages in the agribusiness industry, assess the sector’s attractiveness for young professionals and produce recommendations for the creation of an Agrosynergy training program to support the sector’s further development.