Νέα Γεωργία Νέα Γενιά

Restarting the Rural Economy in Northern Evia

The non-profit organization “New Agriculture New Generation” has launched the implementation of the program “Restarting the Rural Economy in Northern Evia,” which is part of the Fire relief initiative for Νorthern Evia by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF).

The unprecedented wildfires in the summer of 2021 in Northern Evia left behind incalculable damages, destroying homes, facilities, agricultural and livestock farms, as well as the area’s forest wealth and wildlife.

The “Restarting the Rural Economy in Northern Evia” program, implemented by the non-profit organization “New Agriculture New Generation,” is part of the Fire relief initiative for Νorthern Evia by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF). It includes targeted actions to support four groups of residents in the area, with the ultimate goal of quickly and effectively regenerating the affected areas as much as possible.

Specifically, the program supported 300 beekeepers, 300 resin producers/forest workers, 40 livestock farmers, and the local communities in the areas of the Municipality of Limni-Mantoudi-Agia Anna and the Municipality of Istiaia-Aidipsos over a period of one year through the following actions:

  1. Beekeepers (November 2021 – March 2022) a) Training for the recovery of lost bee colonies. b) Creation of a pilot beekeeping park in the private Noel-Baker forest. c) Purchase of professional equipment.
  2. Resin Producers/Forest Workers (November – December 2021) a) Replacement of technical equipment and safety gear.
  3. Livestock Farmers (November – December 2021, March – August 2022) a) Training on animal welfare, reproduction, and nutrition.
  4. Local Communities (November – December 2021, March – April 2022) a) Support for home food production.

Support action for the rural development of Vamvakou

Regional Development initiative 

A new initiative for the support of the agrifood activity has started in the wider area of the the village of Vamvakou at Lakonia and Mount Parnon through “New Agriculture New Generation” in collaboration with the team of Vamvakou Revival, as part of the initiative to revive the village and enhance the wider area. The two organizations – supported by Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) on a regular basis – are entering into a fruitful collaboration aiming at the generation of job opportunities through the activation of the agrifood sector, as well as at the return of inhabitants, professionals and potential entrepreneurs to the area, who are interested in working with land.

Vision and partners

The support action will run for a year and its vision is to enhance entrepreneurship and boost regional development, through activities supporting primary production and the link of its products with opportunities in the market. This annual program of scientific and business support will be realized in collaboration with the Agricultural University of Athens and a consulting company specializing in the growth of agrifood entrepreneurship, Sweet Ideas, with Tasos Lambrou in charge.


It includes targeted activities of consulting and sustainable development, focusing on the sectors of sheep-and-goat farming and aromatic and pharmaceutical plants – two sectors of particular interest and with opportunities for growth, as the area has the necessary production volume and the appropriate human resources. In fact, the first group of farmers and entrepreneurs interested in this initiative has been formed and, thus, possibilities and prospects of sustainable development will be explored through synergies in these two sectors. We hope that this hub will attract young people and will be just the beginning for a new era in the agrifood sector in the area.

Within this framework, the Agricultural University of Athens will undertake the task of drawing up studies on the two sectors, aiming at the optimization of the technical characteristics of the production units and of their financial sustainability. It will offer training, consulting and guidance services and include in-situ visits of the scientists of the University to the beneficiaries in the area. Moreover, the consulting team specializing in agribusiness will realize business plans for particular business activities and products, as well as feasibility and sustainability studies for potential processing and standardization infrastructure.

Broiler Farming

Short Description

The training program is designed and implemented by the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA), under the scientific guidance of a host of experienced university professors, researchers and professionals. The action is headed by assistant professor Michael Goliomytis, with many years of experience in extensive services and vocational training in animal production.
The training program entitled “Broiler Farming”, offers training in broiler, broiler parent stock and turkey production with the aim to develop required knowledge, skills and competences to 60 young farmers and newcomers in order to successfully run a profitable farm with respect to animal welfare, environment and society.
The training program has a duration of 40 hours, of which 36 hours are allocated to theory and 4 hours are allocated to practical training in a poultry farm.
A Certificate of Attendance is provided at the end of the program.


Program Objectives

The objective of the program is to provide young farmers with learning outcomes that will be shortly implemented by them in order to increase performance and consequently profitability of their farm with positive effects on sustainability of local communities.
At the same time, newcomers will have the advantage of designing and run properly a poultry farm from the start of its function which minimizes possible faults and mistakes that might have occurred without the participation in the present poultry farming training program.


Target Group

Young male and female individuals that are:
• broiler and/or broiler parent stock and/or turkey farmers,
• unemployment and underemployment newcomers who intent to become broiler and/or broiler parent stock and/or turkey farmers, preferably individuals that have been applied and/or received financial support (for example, from the European Union and the Greek state) for establishment of a broiler and/or broiler parent stock and/or turkey farm.



The curriculum includes the following topics (indicatively):

  • Best management practices for farming of: Broiler, Broiler parent stock,Turkeys
  • Modern approaches in poultry feeding
  • On farm bio-security measures
  • Designing a vaccination program, vaccine types, routes of administration, best practices
  • Common diseases of broilers, broiler parent stock and turkeys
  • Poultry house design, facilities and equipment, new technologies and modern approaches
  • Poultry welfare
  • Environmental impact of a poultry farm
  • Production costs calculation


Areas of activation of the 2021-22 training round

Arta – Ioannina – Chalkida


Duration of action

Three teaching courses of 20 trainees each will be implemented in aforementioned areas with first course starting in Autumn 2021.
The duration of each training course will be 10 days, 4 teaching hours a day.
Attendance is mandatory.


Additional Information

Michael Goliomytis

Tel: 2105294963, 2105294446
Email: [email protected]



The Greek Agri-Food Supply Chain

Increased competition, the need to differentiate Greek agricultural products, and the obligations to comply with hygiene standards and certifications require the immediate reorganization of the agricultural supply chain in our country. This reorganization can serve as a lever for the development of the primary sector.

Additionally, due to the added challenges globally posed by the pandemic, it is imperative to study and reshape the Agrologistics sector to make the supply chain sustainable, enhance farmers’ income, ensure food security, and reduce the environmental footprint.

Research on Agrologistics in Greece

The organization “New Agriculture New Generation” has undertaken the initiative to conduct a study on the agri-food supply chain (agrologistics) in collaboration with the National Center for Research and Technological Development (EKETA), the University of Piraeus Research Center (KEPP), the Institute of Port Training “Exantas,” and the Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Technology (CAIT) at Rutgers University, USA.

The recent study analyzes the current state of the agri-food supply chain in our country and highlights the needs and prospects of the sector.

You can read the related study here.

Agrologistics Conference

The organization “New Agriculture New Generation” is organizing an online conference titled: “Agrologistics: Challenges & Prospects in Greece” in collaboration with the National Center for Research and Technological Development (EKETA), the University of Piraeus Research Center (KEPP), the Institute of Port Training “Exantas,” and the Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT) at Rutgers University, USA.

This online conference will take place on June 7, 2021 (16:30 – 18:30) on the occasion of presenting the conclusions of a relevant study on the Greek agri-food supply chain conducted by the aforementioned bodies.

The conference will present the conclusions of the study and highlight new developments, best practices, and challenges in the sector, both in Greece and abroad. It will also serve as a platform to discuss the prospects of reorganization and development of the agri-food supply chain as well as the existing needs for training and education in the field.

The conference will feature the study contributors as well as high-ranking officials and experts from leading institutions and organizations in Greece and abroad, such as the Foreign Agricultural Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (FAS/USDA), the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, Rutgers University, the U.S. Embassy in Greece, and others.

After the Storm: Steps for Reconstructing the Agri-Food Sector of Thessaly in the Wake of “Daniel”

The dramatic impacts of storm “Daniel” in Thessaly, the heart of rural Greece, was an event that truly shocked our country. “Daniel” caused unprecedented destruction to infrastructure, crops, and the properties of the area’s residents, who are essentially called upon to rebuild their lives from scratch.

New Agriculture New Generation, having strong ties with the people of the agrifood sector, as part of a series of initiatives to support those affected, issued an invitation to its network of partners to participate in the collective publication titled: After the Storm: Steps for Reconstructing the Agri-Food Sector of Thessaly in the Wake of “Daniel”.

Our goal is for this publication to serve as a platform for leaders, experts, and professionals in the sector to share their proposals regarding the necessary actions that need to be taken to rebuild the productive fabric of the Thessalian plain and set it on a path to recovery.

This document does not replace the studies and research that need to be conducted. However, it provides directions and significant ideas that can be utilized.

After the Storm: Steps for Reconstructing the Agri-Food Sector of Thessaly in the Wake of “Daniel” (pdf in Greek)

International Conference on Cooperatives

The program leveraging its significant know-how and networking with stakeholders, organizes cutting-edge conferences in the agri-food sector.


31/1/2020: New Agriculture – New Cooperatives. Towards a new paradigm of collaboration for the new generation. 

The program “New Agriculture for a New Generation” in collaboration with HELEXPO and under the auspices of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, co-organized in the framework of the 28th Agrotica (January 31, 2020), the conference “New Agriculture – New Cooperatives. Towards a new paradigm of collaboration for the new generation”.

Greek and foreign experts, from Europe and the United States, partners and researchers, shared knowledge and experiences in order to form a new platform for designing competitive cooperative schemes, which through their operation will be tools of development for the industry and the country as a whole.

Small ruminants: Holistic approach in farming with reduced environmental footprint

Short description

This project is a comprehensive training for small ruminant farmers for the implementation of modern zootechnical and management practices under the supervision of the Laboratory of Nutrition, of the School of Veterinary Medicine, of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in collaboration with the Laboratory of Agricultural Construction of the Agricultural University of Athens, the Hellenic Feedstuff Industries (EL.VI.Z. SA) and Eurofarm SA with several well experienced Professors and Scientists of the agriculture, both horticulture and animal production. Scientific coordinator of the project will be Dr Ilias Giannenas, Assistant professor and director of Laboratory of Nutrition.

The training program for sheep and goat breeding will prepare two groups of 30 young people to develop into organized breeders – entrepreneurs. With the completion of the program, the new breeders will be a “yeast” of trained professionals according to the new requirements for more environmentally friendly management, improvements in stables and rational nutrition and will be able to support the production of high quality products.

The training program lasts 100 hours, of which 50 hours involves theorical training and 50 hours involves  practice.

At the end of the program a Certificate of Attendance will be given to participants.


Program objectives

The main goal of the program is to be a good starting point for new breeders / producers and to provide them with support throughout their activities.


Target group

Participants must be willing to participate in the training program (at least 90% attendance), be occupied and interested in modern sheep and goat farming as well as to be available to start their employment in sheep and goat farming as new farmers.



The curriculum includes the following topics (indicatively):

• Organisation and application of modern integrated management practices on sheep and goat farms
• Production of feeds using environmentally-environment methods
• Rational diet formulation of small ruminants
• Improvement of the microclimate of sheep and goat farms
• Waste exploitation for the production of energy and bio-fertilizers


Areas of activation of the 2021-22 training round

Lemnos and Rodopi

Duration of action

6 months. Attendance is mandatory
Classes take place 3 to 4 days each month (approximately).


Additional information

Ilias Giannenas
School of Veterinary Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Tel: 2310999937
Email: [email protected]

Mastic trees: Modern propagation and cultivation techniques

Short description

The educational program is designed and implemented by the Laboratory of Floriculture, Department of Agriculture, of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in collaboration with the Chios Gum Mastic Growers Association and the Region of North Aegean. The scientific team is framed by a number of experienced professors of the University, whose coordinator is the Assistant Professor Mr. Stefanos Hatzilazarou.

The specific training program for the propagation – cultivation of mastic trees, will prepare two groups of 24 young people, who will develop into trained mastic growers. Upon completion of the program, trainees will be the new leaders in the profession and will be able to support the propagation and cultivation of mastic trees, applying both the results of studies and best practices applied internationally and in other related species.

The training program lasts 120 hours, of which 90 hours is theory and 30 hours is practice in propagation.

At the end of the program a Certificate of Attendance will be given to participants.

Objective of the Program

The main goal of the program is to be a good starting point for young mastic growers, who will then be able to successfully practice and develop their business.


Target Audience

Participants should be :

  • 18-40 years old (or 41-55 if the previous group is not completed)
  • Members of the Chios Gum Mastic Growers Association
  • Willing to participate in the training program (at least 90% attendance) and interested in mastic trees cultivation.



The curriculum includes the following topics (indicatively):

  • Propagation of mastic trees
  • Biodiversity – Organic and integrated agriculture – Sustainable development
  • Mastic tree diseases – treatment
  • Medicinal properties and mechanisms of mastic biosynthesis
  • Molecular control of mastic products
  • Uses of plant biostimulants – fertilization – mycorrhizae
  • Weed management methods in mastic crops
  • Innovative marketing strategies – European Union funding – enhancing of collaborative culture


Areas of activation of the 2021-22 training round



Duration of action

14 months (beginning October 2021, ending November 2022)
Attendance is mandatory. If face to face training is not possible, the lessons will be done online.The courses will take place 2 to 4 days each month, while in August and September there will be no courses and activities (to facilitate the production of mastic) as in December, January and February (due to covid-19 ).


Additional Information

Laboratory of Floriculture A.U.Th.

Stefanos Hatzilazarou

Tel: 2310990308

Email: [email protected]

Stefanos Kostas

Tel: 2310991775

Email: [email protected]

Local Products of the Municipality of Agia: from farm to shelf

Short description

The project has been planned by the Municipality of Agia in cooperation with the Agricultural Cooperative of Melivia “Athanati” in order to support the agricultural sector and fulfill the need for High Quality Agricultural Products and Sustainable Farming according to a long-term plan based on the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN. Innovative methods, new technologies and tools shall increase the added value of the local products and change the mentality of the people involved through extroversion and new cooperation opportunities.

The project consists of 2 Strands:

Strand 1 of the training programm focuses on the need of the farmers to protect the chestnut trees, decrease the costs for plant protection and improve the quality through the use of ecological insecticides.

Strand 2 of the training programm is based on a very detailed education plan that includes every part of the farming process, access to innovative farming methods and High Quality Certifications, the connection between local agricultural products and the tourism sector, skills and competences of the farmers, long-term planning, consulting and sales management that will improve the competitiveness, the extroversion and the quality of the local agricultural products of the Municipality of Agia.


Project objective

Main aim of this project is to meet the needs of the young farmers that live in less favoured areas, give them the opportunity to gain new skills and innovative production methods and support them tο pursue economic activity in their home place.


Target group

Tree growers, members of the Agricultural Cooperative of Melivia, agronomists, local tourism stakeholders, entrepreneurs, members of associations, unemployed

The participants are allowed to choose to participate in both strands.

As of Strand 1 the participation in all of the sections is mandatory.

As of Strand 2 the participants are allowed to choose any section they wish to.



The proposal has two (2) Strands:

STRAND 1: Plant protection – Modern innovative and ecological ways to fight against the diseases of chestnut trees”

1. Use of pheromones and pheromone traps

2. Organic insecticides

3. Application of precision spraying through the use of new technologies

4. Environmental indicators – Sustainable use of pesticides – Disposal of empty pesticide packaging


STRAND 2: Modern methods of production, certification, packaging and promotion of local agricultural products.

Section 1: Production methods, Quality control and Promotion of Agricultural Products

1. Precision Farming

2. Agroecology

3. Quality Control Systems, Food Hygiene and Safety

4. Processing and packaging of raw agricultural products

5. Retail Sales of Agricultural Products – Direct Sales of Agricultural Products – Legislation – Tools – Purchasing Habits Analysis – Customer Needs Analysis

5.1 Marketing of Agricultural Products + Export marketing

5.2 Export Procedures & Contracting

6. E-banking, E-Commerce, Use of New Technologies in the Sales Management of agricultural products

7. Quality Control Systems – National and International Quality Standards (IFS/BRC) GLOBALGAP/GLOBALGAP GRASP -PDO – PGI – Organic Farming

Section 2: Processing of Local Agricultural Products

1. Organic Food and Drinks

2. Processing of local agricultural products – Traditional recipies – Processing methods – Replacement of sugar – Use of stevia

Section 3: Connecting Agriculture with Tourism

8. Open farms – Tourism product

10. Connecting the primary sector with the tertiary sector – Sustainable tourism strategy

The project will take place in the Municipality of Agia (Eastern Thessaly)


Duration of the project

12 months

Participation is mandatory – A Certificate of Attendance will be issued. Lessons take place 2-3 times / month. All participants will be informed in case of changes due to Covid-19 restrictions


For further info

Theodora Patsiavoudi


Department of Planning, Organization and Informatics, Municipality of Agia


E-mail: [email protected]

Farm Plastics Initiatives

The use of plastics in agriculture is extensive since they are used in various instances. Pollution caused by agricultural plastics is one of the biggest challenges as currently only about 10 percent of farm plastics are recycled worldwide.

The situation in Greece is characterized by deficiencies in the recording of quantities produced and used, while disposal on the ground and open fire are the dominant management practice, with the remaining farm plastic waste ending up in landfills.

EU regulations are -and will continue to do so- imposing strict rules for the protection of the environment. The Green Deal is already tapping into these issues. Developments will have direct impact both on agricultural practices and the ability of agrifood businesses to receive subsidies. They are already affecting the competitiveness of producers ability to do business abroad.

New Agriculture for a New Generation has embarked upon a nation-wide effort around responsible waste management of farm plastics.

Our goals are:

  • to support young farmers in ensuring their future business competitiveness and
  • to showcase that the agricultural sector can be part of the solution for the environment.

To this end, in a joint initiative with the Athanassios Laskaridis Charitable Foundation (ALCF) and with the support of the Hellenic Crop Protection Association (HCPA) we have organized a working meeting titled “Plastics in Agriculture” on December 9, 2019 in Athens. At the meeting, all new developments and concerns in the field of farm plastics were presented and discussed by experts and institutional representatives from Greece and abroad, as well as representatives of the ministries and recycling companies. It was made clear that, although the problem has been documented, there is no proper planning to address farm plastic waste.

As a next step, the “New Agriculture for a New Generation” program has commissioned an exoert environmentalist, Mrs Christina Kontaxi to conduct research on the use of farm plastics in Greece and come up with a brief report on the situation in the country and the EU regulatory framework, as an initial mapping tool in order to find solutions for farm plastics waste.

Based on the above, the “New Agriculture for the New Generation” program undertook the initiative to implement a pilot program for responsible waste management of farm plastics.

This program will include:

  • Information and awareness raising activities
  • Pilot scheme for collection, transportation and recycling management of empty pesticide containers

This initiative will be implemented in collaboration with the Hellenic Crop Protection Association and with the support of Athanassios Laskaridis Charitable Foundation, Captain Vasillis and Carmen Constantakopoulos Foundation and the Ministry of Rural Development and Food.

The program “New Agriculture for a New Generation” facilitates the discussion and collaboration among key players and connects the dots between the users, recyclers, policy makers and institutional actors.